12 Useful Affirmations for Kids (Part 1)


As a firm believer that our thoughts create our reality, I have been creating my own daily morning routine where I journal affirmations. Affirmations are phrases to be repeated consistently to help positively shift our mindsets. They strengthen our thoughts for self-change, and they serve as daily reminders + motivators to assist the rewiring of our brain.

I have personally been using them to assist in changing my negative thought patterns into useful + positive thought processes. When I notice myself starting negative self-talk, I replace it with one of my affirmations. I wish someone would have thought me these tips when I was younger. It would have made a big difference when I was a struggling science major in college. College is difficult on everyone, as a first generation student, even more because of the lack of finances + guidance. Needless to say, I had a difficult time in college, as a result, self-esteem + confidence plummeted. Now that I am older, I am attempting to repair the damage I unknowingly created. The affirmations I have been creating + collecting are a big part of this journey.

As children are learning to navigate academics in times of COVID, it is especially important to tend to their mental health. One of my students is a bright + motivated young girl. However, when she is not able to recall a piece of information or when I tell her to try again, her whole energy seems to shift. I see defeat, disappointment, and sadness. I am able to relate to this far too closely. It breaks my heart that at such a young age my student is feeling this way. For this reason I have created some confidence building + self-loving affirmations that every kid (+ probably adult!) needs to use as part of their daily routines. This is part one:

  1. Things that are challenging help me grow.

  2. I believe I can do difficult things.

  3. I speak with love to myself.

  4. I learn helpful things from my mistakes.

  5. I speak with kind and loving words to myself.

  6. The more I practice the easier + better it gets.

  7. I try my best and forget the rest.

  8. I focus on one thing at a time.

  9. I am kind to myself

  10. I am worthy of good.

  11. It is ok to ask for help when I need it.

  12. I do good things.

Do you use affirmations? What are some helpful affirmations that you use?

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🌈Happy Learning 💪🏽🪐🎈


12 Useful Affirmations for Kids (Part 2)


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