From Struggling to Succeeding: Debunking the "Bad at Math" Excuse

How many times have you heard: “Im just not a math person.” ? …

Many times, I’m guessing! I’ve been guilty of it too 🤦🏽‍♀️.

In the words of Neil deGrasse Tyson, American astrophysicist and author,

“Somehow it’s okay for people to chuckle about

not being good at math.

Yet, if I said,

I never learned to read,’ they’d say I was an

illiterate dolt.”

- Neil deGrasse Tyson.

Now, ain’t THAT the truth!

We have collectively accepted that being “math-impaired” is a casual personality trait. The thing is that Math and its basics are a critical, practical ADULT skill. Not only that…

A thorough understanding of math fundamentals is required in middle school, high school and higher education.

Basic math principles are like the foundation of a house - it's the foundation for higher learning and success in life, and it's best built in elementary school and middle school. Here are the myths…


"Im not a math person,"

"Im not good at math,"

"Math doesn't come naturally to me,"

"I'm just bad at math,"

"You need to be a genius to be good at math,"


Any variation of the above statements statements, is a form of having a fixed mindset towards math. A fixed mindset leads to lack of motivation, shame and giving up easily. All of which can hold a child back from learning and growing in math.

These are classic excuses that kids can pick up on and become a debilitating crouch going forward.

Your child is NOT BAD at Math.
All they need is to focus on critical foundations of Math and close knowledge gaps. When seeing it for what it is, an essential life-skill, everyone deserves to be literate and well versed in Math.

The best place to start is with multiplication and multiplication fact fluency. We’ll be running a recurring multiplication workshop for children who have a basic understanding of multiplication but could benefit from further clarification and practice.

The focus will be on helping students improve on strategies as well as practice multiplication facts with an educator.

If you’re struggling to help your child in math, let us know.

We offer a free 1st tutoring session when you book a consultation chat with me :) . Book yours HERE.


Goal Setting for Kids - PDF Mini-Workbook


🧠 10 Ways Math teaches Social-Emotional Skills