An Educational Service during these difficult times.


I am happy to let you know about our online/in-person (near zip: 91340) services to assist in Math, Science/Biology, and Spanish learners.

Birdie Learning Academy’s mission is to assist students and parents cope with these changing times by providing educational service to ease the distance learning stress.

I am a Biology graduate with a passion, patience and special interests in teaching (as well as learning!). I have over 5 years of experience teaching/tutoring/coaching. I’ve also had the opportunity to work with students with special needs (Autism) and developmentally delayed.

I hope to share tips, resources, and fun activities that I have found in my experience to be helpful in learning different subjects. We are focusing on math and science for grades K-6, Biology for all levels, and Spanish learners. I will also be sharing information to assist with the developmental progress of children 0-3 and primary level learners, as a resource to new and experienced parents.

I invite you to follow us to learn, play and grow together!

Instagram: @birdielearningacademy


THE TALE OF THE FAT INNKEEPER WORM AND THE PEA CRAB: An ancient story about commensalism