🎉 3 Tips for a Successful New School Year ⭐️

Sometimes parents-caregivers are hard on themselves when their child is not on Math-cruising-Mode.

THE TRUTH IS: Questions and confusion in math are inevitable.

It’s common and it’s ok.

You're NOT a bad or subpar parent-caregiver if your child is having math difficulties.

However, the way in which math struggles are handled is most important. Here are my tips to have a successful New School Year 🎉

3 Tips for a Successful New School Year

  1. Timeliness.

    Keep current on their work and their understanding of it. The more time passes the more they'll have to catch up on.

  2. Locate.

    Locate knowledge gap. Use HW to spot knowledge gaps and ask their teacher for feedback.

  3. Build.

    Build from last strongest skill relevant to knowledge gap by:

    • Ask your child questions to figure out where they're at.

    • Use your knowledge of math go jump to previous topics.

    • Go to the most basic skills for the topic and build up.


  • Learn from last year. Ask yourself some of these questions to be prepared.

    • Where did the student fall behind? Was it HW? Did you have difficulty explaining things? Was there too much friction during HW time? Were after-school activities too much? Was it math? Are they still behind from covid slide?

  • Look into the future. How will you prevent as many of those downfalls this year?

  • Be proactive about your options and what you can do to make things easier, smoother for the child and yourself.

🎉 Here’s to a safe and successful New School Year. Cheers ⭐️


🚀 Mighty Math Tutoring Program: is a specialized comprehensive math tutoring program for 3rd-8th graders to achieve math proficiency by strengthening and enhancing basic math skills + closing knowledge-gaps. More info HERE.

🌈 HW Squad Club: A dedicated club for students work on HW, assignments and study together while in the presence of an educator for 3rd-8th graders. Learn more HERE.


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