Birdie’s Online Math Tutoring

Birdie Learning Academy is unique from other tutoring services in that we follow our proprietary, Proactive Tutoring Model approach.

This is a learning approach that centers on locating and addressing knowledge gaps via tailored based instruction. We focus on strengthening math’s foundational building blocks and create a safe environment to form a student-peers-instructor kinship that fuels learning. This is one aspect of our brand that we are most proud of.

We accomplish our Proactive Tutoring Model approach through 4 steps.

1. Assessment - learning plan

2. Learning platforms - cementing skills and  independent study

3. Structured lessons - lecture with educator/HW help/parent updates

4. HW Club - building community.

I would like you to know that Birdie Learning Academy is striving to build a sustainable and ethically fair company.

Our mission is to:

  • Make the most positive, LONG-TERM impact in a child’s education,

  • Make Math learning a sustainable process for the parent and child,

  • Provide a safe, positive and encouraging learning environment for students, and

  • Promote inclusivity, creativity and curiosity to everyday learning.

Lastly, we would like to let parents  know that we have few available spots available. We offer an online consultation (free :)) for us to chat about your childs’ needs. 

Book our online clarity chat HERE.

I’d like to invite the readers to come say “hola!” on instagram (@ birdielearningacademy) and let us know if you’re watching House of the Dragon! :) Im so ready for season 2!!!


🧠 What Makes Math Difficult for Kids?


⚠️ How False Sense of Knowledge Affects Learning 📚