How to Maintain Math Proficiency

⚠️ When does "falling behind" in Math occur? → Knowledge gaps.

(10 Ways to Identify Knowledge-Gaps in Math)

❌ Think of them as a missing piece to a puzzle. You cannot complete a puzzle without all of the pieces.

We have created this graphic as a visual of what happens in each step that creates domino effects and leads to “The Loop of Math Doom” or “The Rise of a Math Star.”

At some point, all students start off at the very top of the feedback loop as a Math Rock Star. As time goes by, they will branch in and out of the left (red) and right (blue) feedback loops.

💪🏽 After children have gone through our program (Mighty Math Tutoring Program™️), which is typically in a span of 6-months, they become up to speed with their grade level.

💪🏽 Our alumni reaches the top of the feedback loop, Math Rock Star status.

I have observed that knowledge-gaps occur when questions go unanswered. As we see in the figure to the left, the consequences build into confusion, guessing and skipping HW problems or tests questions.

When this occurs, the topic of confusion will be built on in class leaving a student with a

missing building block (i.e. a knowledge-gap). If the student continues to stay on the negative feedback loop (“The Loop of Math Doom”), the knowledge-gaps will continue to grow and this negatively impacts their potential.

When questions are left unaddressed, then you leave room for knowledge gaps to build. 

  • Skipping HW problems. 

  • Teacher went to fast.

  • Forgot to ask teacher when they had the chance.

  • Topic builds on to the next and knowledge gaps form.

The student, parent or teacher does not intend for this to happen, but it does occurs by not realizing that it’s happening.

💪🏽 How to Maintain Math Proficiency:

When a question is addressed in a timely manner, then it leads to clarification of what caused confusion.

As we see on the positive feedback loop (The Rise of a Math Star), resolve will bring you back to the top of the loop and no knowledge-gap is created.

When students have graduated from our programs, their progress is then sustained by daily commitment and continued effort from their part.

🎉 This is where the HW Squad Club™️ comes into pay.

We are confident that your child will become up to speed in math after approximately 6-months with us.

We want to be realistic of how learning occurs.

💪🏽 Questions will inevitably arise, + this is why we offer HW Squad Club, to continue the support before a knowledge gap is created in a less hands-on environment.

This is because in our programs we deep dive and go in-depth into topics. After this guidance, your child’s questions will be surface level questions that do not require full lessons of explanation.

🚀 The whole objective of our math program, Mighty Math Tutoring Program™️, is to address all the primary fundamentals of math.
🚀 In this way, students increase their math proficiency by having a strong foundation for complex topics.


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