What is Serotonin: 4 Non-Pharmaceutical Ways to Increase Serotonin for Overall Well-being

Have you ever wondered what contributes to your happiness? Have you heard about serotonin being the happy molecule but have no idea why? Keep reading and we will dive into some awesome facts about serotonin as well as four non-pharmaceutical ways to increase serotonin.

What is Serotonin?

Serotonin is a hormone and neurotransmitter. It partakes in various physiological and psychological processes throughout the body. Because serotonin is a hormone and a neurotransmitter as well, the serotonin receptor is an important part of the system. 

Where is serotonin made?

Before we have serotonin, we first need to start with an essential amino acid called Tryptophan. This amino acid is converted into serotonin via various reactions in the body. The vast majority of serotonin is made in the central nervous system (CNS) in neuron cells located in the brainstem.

(You’re smarter already, right!? …YES!)

What functions does serotonin affect?

Serotonin regulates mood, feeling of well-being/ happiness, and behavior. Low levels of serotonin may lead to depression and anxiety. High levels of serotonin may lead to hyperactive nerve cell activity.

Besides, mood and behavior, serotonin also has important functions in physiological systems. These include energy stabilization and eating, gastrointestinal (GI), endocrine, cardiovascular and pulmonary functions. 

4-Non Pharmaceutical ways to increase serotonin synthesis: 

  1. Changes in thought influences serotonin synthesis

    Yes, you read that correctly, THOUGHT. As it turns out, the hippy woo-woo believes are more than just peace and love ideals. Focusing on positive thoughts and speaking peaceful happy statements will in fact boost your mood. Conversely, negative thought patterns do not produce serotonin thus your mood levels will drop.  

  2. Exposure to bright light increases serotonin levels

    Using light therapy is a way to treat certain mood disorders such as Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). SAD is depression that occurs in the winter months or areas where there is significantly less sunlight present. Thus, for some absence of light, may lead to depression due to lack of serotonin levels. 

  3. Exercise stimulates increase serotonin production

    Of course, exercise had to make the list, lol! We all know the endless list of benefits that exercising has, and for this article, it is because it increases Tryptophan (the starting material of serotonin). Exercise also increases the firing rates of serotonin neurons which leads to its synthesis and boosting your mood. 

  4. Dietary intake of Tryptophan 

    Because Tryptophan is the precursor of serotonin, ingesting foods high in dietary tryptophan will also increase production of serotonin in the body. 

(You’re happier already, aren’t ya!) 

As we have learned, serotonin is our favorite hormone because of its awesome ability to make us happy. For this reason, we have made cutie custom shirts that highlight our love of Serotonin. 


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